
Acoustic pianos should be tuned twice annually in order to prevent the instrument's "middle-A" string from straying in excess of ten cents from the frequency of 440 hZ, a threshold beyond which the instrument requires more time-intensive service.

We are pleased to offer on-site service for all repairs, major and minor, and are proud to service over 800 varieties of antique automatic music instruments and an excess of 60 contemporary varieties.

We offer a variety of restoration procedures from full OEM pneumatic restorations to action-rebuilding, case-refinishing, and re-stringing.

We are committed to helping you obtain value for your family heirloom by providing both onsite inspections and remote estimates based on the make, model, and serial number, and photos of you instrument.

We offer full conversions that adapt conventional acoustic pianos that digital player pianos, complete with stereo speaker accompaniment that brings concertos and contemporary music to life in your own living room.